Far infrared saunas are superior to infrared saunas and to conventional saunas.This is a home sauna and a portable sauna. The Relax FIR sauna is indisputably the best of all saunas. · Portable· No pre-heating needed which saves time· Even energy produced · Improves blood circculation · Increases metabolism · Induces profuse sweating · For relaxation· Burns calories without lactic acid production· Safe for people of all ages. Since there is no heating of the head, safe for everyone.RELAX Portable DETOX FIR SAUNA - Stands Heads and Shoulders above all other Saunas in effectiveness ! We Call The Relax Sauna the ONLY Portable Professional Model Sauna, since it is the ONLY Portable Sauna that we know of that generates 100% safe & absorbable Far Infrared Light.After 16 years of selling the Relax Sauna, we were shocked to discover that other portable "FIR" sauna generates only about 30% far infrared Light. They use a far infrared cloth which covers a metalic grid, or hotplate or even worse a space heater. It appears that there is no legal definition of what a FIR Sauna is. When you see a sauna advertised as FIR, It means to me that it is at least 25% FIR Energy being generated. Each company"Should" be able to tell you what percentage of the generated light is FIR light (healing light), which means the remaining generated light CANNOTbe absorbed by your body. Research indicates the FIR Sauna can help: Discharge toxins from the body (especially heavy metals). Lose weight & beautify the skin and body. Prevent illnesses. Prevent early aging.(Please consult a physician if you have health concerns or implanted electronic devices)Relax sauna normally sells for $2000. We have permission to sell on line for $1449 including shipping. The best you can have, at home, to use everyday, even twice a day if you choose. What's better than that?
Relax Far Infrared Portable Sit Down Sauna